Horchata, also known as orxata, originates from Valencia, Spain, and has now grown to reach interest across both South America and Europe. For our recipe, we chose the more popularly used Mexican version of this classic rice and milk-based refreshment. Sweet, creamy, and refreshing, it’s guaranteed to make an appearance at your snack time.
Step 1
Pour milk into a wide skillet and bring to a boil. Reduce to simmer and cook, stirring frequently, until reduced by half, about 20 to 30 minutes.
Step 2
Strain reduced milk into a large saucepan; add the water and cinnamon sticks. Bring to a boil, reduce to simmer and cook 5 minutes. Remove from heat and let sit 15 minutes. Remove cinnamon stick and reserve.
Step 3
Combine the rice flour or crushed white rice, sugar, and vanilla in a bowl. Pour in the milk mixture and whisk to incorporate well. Refrigerate for at least 4 hours.
Step 4
Pour the liquid into a pitcher, discarding the sediment that has settled. Serve cold or over ice with cinnamon sticks.
Nothing shy of traditional, this Mexican Horchata is made with white rice, milk, sugar, and cinnamon. For an added boost of thickness, you’ll also need rice flour. Additionally, one quart of low-fat milk helps bring out the creaminess. After just a few minutes of gathering these ingredients, the process itself is simple. However, it’s nothing like blending up your average milk smoothie, for example.
In order to get a rich foundation started, you’ll need to reduce the milk by half. This is an important process that will help create that creamy cinnamon base for adding your starchy rice and flour. After, combine this second reduction to a bowl with the sugar, vanilla, rice flour and crushed Carolina® White Rice, whisking until incorporated.
After you’ve done all the hard work, your horchata should be chilled for four hours, making it form into a refreshing, ice-cold and velvety, smooth drink. When it’s time to serve, pour over ice and enjoy! For similar creamy recipes made with rice, try our traditional rice pudding or learn tips to make a spiced Indian rice pudding dessert.