Once upon a time, the term ‘gluten’ was something you’d only hear about when talking to nutritionists and food scientists. However, in the last number of years, people have become more health-conscious and aware of the issue of food intolerance. Gluten intolerance, also known as celiac disease, affects an estimated 6% of the American population. But what is gluten, and how does it affect the body? Join Carolina® Rice as we delve into the issue and inspire you with a variety of tasty gluten-free dishes to please the whole family.

Understanding Gluten

You may be asking yourself, what exactly is gluten? The term gluten refers to a protein commonly found mostly in cereals such as wheat, rye, barley, tricolate, and their derivatives. It is sometimes added to foods to improve their flavor and serve as a binding agent. Most people can eat gluten without experiencing any negative side effects; nevertheless, a small but considerable proportion of the population has been diagnosed as gluten-intolerant. For these people, consuming gluten causes an autoimmune reaction, resulting in a wide range of symptoms from moderate to severe. Gluten is commonly found in everyday foods such as bread, cereals, baked goods, pasta, and beverages, making it difficult to avoid. However, as knowledge of the issue grows, consumers can be confident that there are plenty of gluten-free choices for them to enjoy.

Which everyday foods are gluten-free?

If you’re worried about finding gluten-free alternatives, don’t fret. You’re more than likely already well-stocked up on gluten-free alternatives, such as some of the following:

  • Rice
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Buckwheat
  • Beans
  • Quinoa
  • Millet
  • Corn
  • Legumes
  • Yogurt
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Fish
  • Meat
  • Eggs
  • Poultry

Is rice gluten-free?

Let’s debunk a common misconception about rice. As gluten is typically linked with grains, there has been some uncertainty over the gluten content of rice. The good news is that rice, in its natural state, is completely gluten-free, making it an ideal base for gluten-free cooking.

Gluten Free Breakfast Recipes with Rice

Breakfast bowl with basmati rice and bananas
Breakfast Basmati Rice with Bananas

It’s true what they say: obstacles are opportunities in disguise! Well, in the case of finding gluten-free alternatives to your favorite breakfast meals, this is certainly the case. Let’s look at two mouthwatering breakfast recipes to kick-start your day.

This quick and easy Breakfast Basmati Rice with Bananas is a sweet and savory gluten-free  porridge recipe that’s sure to satisfy and energize. Similarly, our Spiced Breakfast Rice Bowl makes for a terrific morning meal. Loaded with fragrant Carolina® Jasmine Rice, berries, coconut shavings, cinnamon, and maple syrup, it’s a fruity yet hearty dish you can look forward to first thing in the morning. 

Spiced Breakfast Rice Bowl

Gluten Free Lunch and Dinner Ideas for all the Family

Now it’s time to look at some delicious lunch and dinner ideas that are gluten-free. This Chicken with Arroz Verde is a traditional Mexican chicken meal that has established itself as a family favorite in many homes across America. Made with tender chicken legs and a flavorful blend of herbs and spices, it makes for a crowd pleasing lunch or dinner meal.  

Craving something lighter? Try this One-Pan Thai Rice! As tasty as it is stress free, don’t be surprised if your family starts requesting this dish on a weekly basis!

One-Pan Thai Rice

Finally, for lovers of seafood, we’ve got a quick and easy main dish that is guaranteed to hit the spot. This Easy Teriyaki Salmon with Jasmine Rice is both convenient and delicious. Made with Carolina® Ready to Heat Jasmine Rice, if you love salmon recipes, this dish is guaranteed to hit the spot. 

Gluten Free Desserts

Finding out that you are gluten-intolerant can be something of a downer, but did you know that rice desserts are perfect for people with gluten intolerances? Our Chocolate Rice Pudding recipe is proof of this. Inspired by classic chocolate cake recipes, it’s a delectable dessert for when you’re in the mood for something chocolaty. 

Alternatively, if you’re looking for a sweet and fruity treat, these Tropical Street Fair Rice Crepes will be right down your street. Loaded with tropical fruits such as mango, pineapple, and kiwi, it’s a creamy dessert dish with a zesty twist.

Tropical Street Fair Rice Crepes

Gluten-Free Creativity

At Carolina® Rice, our motto is #playwithyourfood. Going gluten-free doesn’t have to be a drag. Rather, it’s a chance to explore exciting new recipes and get creative in the kitchen. For more recipe inspiration and expert cooking, be sure to drop by our blog to see what’s cooking

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